The bees have had a bit of a set back. I noticed on two hive checks recently within a week some dead bees on the varroa floor and quite a lot more today, a few on the landing board. Bees still very active inside the hive and Queen, Eggs, Larve and sealed brood all seen in the last 6 days. Bees busy bringing in pollen and storing nectar in the supper.
I called in the Bee inspector today 28th April 2017 who diagnosed Chronic Bee Paralysis Virus (CBPV)
Dead bees around the entrance, black bloated abdomens
Dead bees covering half of the varroa floor, notice the shiney black hairless abdomens which is another sign of CBPV
Short video abnormal looking black bee staggering about - CBPV
The National Bee Unit has alot of information about CBPV, photos and videos, see link below:
There isn't any treatments for CBPV as it is a virus so my plan of action is:
- Ensure there is plenty of room as CBPV is transmitted by bee to bee contact- add another supper!
- Clean the varroa floor of infected dead bees on each inspection.
- Carry out a shook swarm on a warm day (ensuring the Queen is safe) and the healthy bees will fly back to the hive leaving the diseased behind at the other end of the field.
Watch this space to see how this collony gets on!
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